The importance of purpose is a subject I constantly talk about with our team members.
We regularly meet clients who struggle to find meaning or purpose in their life as advocates for the elderly, people with disabilities, and children with special needs. Throughout our lives, we take on a variety of roles. Each of these roles has a feeling of purpose and a connection to life.
As parents, it is our responsibility to lead and teach our children as they develop into adults. In our professional lives, we have a job to do in order to fulfill a role inside an organization. However, once our children have grown and we have retired, or a medical condition prevents us from working as we once did, many people wonder, “What’s next for me?” or “What is my purpose?”
IKOR offers Life Care Management and advocacy services to our clients. I’ve seen firsthand how crucial purpose is at every stage of life.
When we first meet with our clients, we are often called in to help them with a crisis in their lives, which may be quite difficult. It might be medical, psychosocial, environmental, or financial in nature. It is typically a combination of any of these factors.
We may find that someone has been a victim of dishonest persons or organizations. They may be suffering from a medical issue that restricts their mobility, someone could be spending money they don’t have on stuff they don’t need, or they could be passing the time by using drugs or alcohol.
They may be dissatisfied, lonely, or experiencing a decline in their social network which results in avoiding gatherings with others. It’s very uncommon for well-intentioned family members to step in and make major changes for their troubled loved ones.
However, we often find that a lack of meaning, connection, and purpose is at the heart of the crisis. We help our clients build a support system and social links, as well as find ways to involve them in meaningful activities that are related to their interests.
Our team of specialists in life care management works with the client to facilitate social contacts. Trying out a new class or group activity, establishing regular habits like attending exciting events with a life care professional might give them a renewed sense of purpose and give them something to look forward to.
Programs that help people of all ages and backgrounds find fulfillment in their lives are essential, whether they’re trying to help a young adult with a disability find work or an older person make new friends. Collaborating with our clients to select meaningful activities that affect their mental state and outlook, we have found that many issues can be resolved, resulting in an enhanced quality of life.
If you’re interested in learning about IKOR services for yourself or a loved one, you can contact us toll free at 855-456-7972 or visit our website at