Experiencing the loss of a loved one is one of the most challenging and difficult situations that a person will face in their lifetime. Many complicated emotions may arise, and the pain associated with such a loss can be overwhelming. Thankfully, grief support resources are available that can help you cope in ways that are healthy and manageable.


Hunger is a pressing issue that affects millions of older adults across the United States. Characterized by a lack of consistent access to nutritious food, senior hunger is concerning due to its direct impact on older adults’ physical and mental health and overall quality of life.


Ageism is a widespread but underestimated prejudice that considerably impacts health care delivery. Whether overt or implicit, age discrimination compromises health care by resulting in under or over-treatment. Furthermore, a 2020 study found that ageism against older individuals imposes a $63 billion annual burden on the health care system.


The compassionate and giving individuals who take care of the elderly — either at home or in a care facility — often face physical and emotional challenges from the work that they do. Caregivers may need support so they can improve their own mental health and well-being while continuing to care for those who depend on them. Learn more about different support options for nursing home caregivers.


Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most prevalent form of dementia among older adults, marked by a progressive and irreversible decline in cognitive function. The number of Americans with Alzheimer’s or other dementias is expected to rise as the risk of dementia increases with age.


Reaching the golden years brings its own advantages, and one significant benefit is the availability of senior citizen discounts. These discounts are not just minor perks. They are a powerful tool for enriching your lifestyle, enhancing your quality of life and enabling more savings during retirement while managing your income streams.


Mental health is a critical aspect of overall well-being for individuals living in nursing homes. The challenges faced by older adults in these settings often contribute to increased rates of depression and anxiety. Learn more about these mental health conditions and how caregivers and facilities can provide support to improve a resident’s quality of life.


Mental health encompasses a person’s well-being in terms of how they think, feel, and behave. This topic is often surrounded by much misinformation and stigma. The National Institute of Mental Health estimates that about one in five U.S. adults has a mental illness. As a result, it’s essential that everyone has access to the mental health support they need. If you or someone you care about is facing mental health challenges, there are resources available that may help.


Government assistance programs exist to help seniors experience a higher quality of life by having their basic needs met. Across the U.S., more than 4.9 million seniors aged 65 and older were living in poverty as of 2019, and as of June 2021, more than 46.7 million retirees collected an estimated $72.7 billion in Social Security benefits.

However, there are seniors throughout the U.S. who still need additional support to access the housing…


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