IKOR is a life management firm. Our team supports seniors, individuals with disability and children with special needs, and their family members as they navigate some of the more complex areas of routine life. We assess, plan, and coordinate care against a broad spectrum of needs.
“Growing up, I was fortunate to have close family relationships with my grandparents and my great grandparents, and to live near family. Through these relationships, I gained a real passion for seniors and those with disabilities.” – Patricia Hanson, co-owner and managing director of IKOR of Western Pennsylvania.
Since opening our local IKOR office in 2011, we have assembled a team of highly skilled and compassionate professionals who work collaboratively to advocate in the best interest of our clients. While this may have been known as Geriatric Care Management in the past, the industry has transitioned to what is now known as aging life care professionals, reflecting a more holistic approach to care of all individuals.
Our registered nurse advocates are exceptionally well equipped to serve as patient advocates; coordinating care, attending doctor’s appointments, managing medications, as well as conducting a wide variety of health and safety screenings, and vetting local senior communities and home health care providers along a long spectrum of needs.
At IKOR, we know wellness is more than a medical status. We work with our clients to assess the needs around modifications of your home. We’ll pay bills, manage mail, address insurance concerns, and cover many other areas. We can support a family power of attorney who lives local or at a distance, but we also act as an independent and neutral power of attorney. In some cases, we will serve as guardian or conservator.
We do everything your adult children might do if they lived down the street and had experience as a registered nurse, a mental health professional, social worker, a certified Senior Advisor, and a highly trained fiduciary advisor. It takes a team. IKOR life management services put a group of trusted advisors from multiple disciplines in your corner.
Our proactive approach provides you with the support that you need now and in the future with the goal of creating better outcomes. To learn more about how IKOR can help, call our office at 855-456-7972. That’s toll free or visit our website at www.ikorofwpa.com.