couple reviewing estate planning documents

You must prepare your estate documents, despite the fact that it may seem odd coming from a specialist in care. You should always plan from a care perspective when working with your estate planning counsel.

The majority of individuals believe that your will is the most essential estate planning document. Yes, you must have a will if you want to influence what happens after your death. My day-to-day focus, however, is on assisting people in leading dignified lives. And I’ve learned that if a person does not complete a power of attorney or a living will, their life as they age may become complicated and difficult.

Conflicts usually emerge when family members are unable to handle your care because they are uninformed of your desires. Furthermore, without having these documents before a medical emergency, the next step of your treatment is usually challenging.

People who do not plan ahead of time may be placed under guardianship. Guardianship is a legal process that is used to safeguard those who are unable to care for their own well-being due to incapacity or impairment.

A legal guardian will be appointed by the court to care for a person who requires particular care. When this happens, the individual becomes a ward of the state. Guardianship can be avoided by preparing these essential documents.

What is a power of attorney document?

A power of attorney is a legal document that allows one person to act on another’s behalf. This gives the person you choose wide or restricted legal authority over your money, property, and medical care. It is also utilized when a person’s illness or handicap makes it impossible for them to sign legal documents required for financial transactions.

A medical power of attorney is a legal document that allows someone to make important decisions on your behalf when your doctor certifies that you are unable to do so.

In your living will, you express your preferences for both end-of-life care and other types of medical treatment. They are only applicable if you are unable to effectively communicate your choices.

The Five Wishes Document

IKOR also collaborates with clients to create the Five Wishes document. The Five Wishes document is a basic document that defines what you want in terms of mental, physical, and spiritual well-being, as well as your medical options if you become critically ill. It is legally binding in numerous states, including Pennsylvania.

By drafting these documents with the aid of your personal attorney, you may give your loved ones very specific instructions about your wishes. You must ensure that they are aware of your preferences so they are not forced to make difficult decisions. 

At IKOR, we can help your family members, as well as seniors in any of these positions, through these tough circumstances. Furthermore, we will collaborate with your financial advisor or attorney to facilitate discussions regarding these documents. They manage the legal and financial difficulties, while we assist you with your care-related needs so that you can live with dignity and a high standard of living for the remainder of your life.

To learn more about how IKOR can help you with this proactive process, you can contact us toll free at 855-456-7972 or visit our website at