Three out of five persons over the age of 60 believe they have more possessions than they require. Despite this, many of us find it emotionally difficult to purge our possessions.

While the physical labor of “right-sizing” is onerous, the emotional challenge is arguably more powerful—and surprising. For example, you may believe that letting go of your grandmother’s wedding gown is equivalent to throwing her away. Or that losing your high school debating trophy is like losing a piece of yourself. Or that donating the fabric you bought to construct a quilt “one day” is the same of surrendering your inner artist. It’s our nature to imbue things with meaning, and it’s those heartstrings that make us stop and think.

Some pointers to assist you in letting go:

Recognize that certain items require “safe passage.” You want to locate somewhere or someone who will value and adore them. It will take some time. However, if you are diligent and begin well ahead of a deadline—say, six months or more before a move—you will have a better chance of finding them good homes.

Create momentum. It becomes simpler with time if you cull strategically and make it a habit. Begin with larger items, such as an old mattress or golf equipment. Large goods are a simple first victory. Then look for objects that have been collecting dust in the basement, attic, or storage. These are frequently short-term releases. After that, go to the clothing closet. The comfort of your current clothing may assist you in letting go of items you no longer use. Following that are files. It takes time to go through them. Instead of doing it yourself, consider bulk shredding. (The IRS recommends keeping documents for no more than three years.) The remaining items are photographs, old letters, and journals. It could be time to let them go if you don’t recognize them. Maybe keep the letter from your high school sweetheart in a box labeled “throw away.” Some things are too valuable to give up during your lifetime, but they may be too personal for others to discover.

Maintain your focus on the prize. If you’re downsizing to relocate, think about the goals and lifestyle you want to have in your new home. Who are you now, the new you? Focusing on your future self makes it simpler to let go of the past you. If you’re decluttering for the sake of it, keep in mind that those who have completed the endeavor report feeling significantly lighter. It’s a victory that gives them the confidence to venture into uncharted territory.

Early on, hire an expert to assist you. Especially if you’re working on a tight timeline. A specialist in late-life relocation can assist you in honoring your emotions while also speeding up the process.

Do you require assistance? Please call us at 855.456.7972.

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